Juvenile fish typically feed on zooplankton and aquatic insects. They are not particularly fussy eaters, and will consume a broad range of organisms. In B.C., you’ll mostly find brook char in lakes, but there are also some small populations in low-velocity streams and rivers. Habitat: While eastern brook char prefer cool water, they can tolerate a wider range of water temperatures and higher acidities than other salmonids.

Using broodstock that originated in Ontario, the Society stocks various water bodies with fish that are collected in a lake near Kamloops. Origin: Eastern brook char ( Salvelinus fontinalis) are not native to freshwaters west of the Rockies. Recreational fishing has been strictly catch-and-release since 1994 on the Fraser and in the Thompson-Nicola region. Under Canada’s Species at Risk Act, four of these endangered populations are closed to all recreational fishing. These include the Lower Fraser, Middle Fraser, Upper Fraser, Kootenay, Upper Columbia, and Nechako populations. While white sturgeon have relatively poor eyesight, they have a highly developed sensory system to detect prey in large turbid rivers.įishing: There are six populations of white sturgeon in Canada. They have a long, cylindrical body, toothless mouth, large pectoral fins, a heterocercal tail (with upper and lower halves of different sizes), and armour-like, bony plates along the back and sides. Their appearance has remained largely unchanged over the last 175 million years. Like sharks and rays, sturgeon have cartilaginous, not bony, skeletons. Adult sturgeon eat fish, and are known for following a salmon run up the river.ĭescription: White sturgeon can grow up to six metres in length, and live over 100 years. Small sturgeon will often eat chironomids and aquatic invertebrates. Due to their poor eyesight, sturgeon use their barbels (whisker-like feelers) to locate prey. Habitat: Adult white sturgeon live in deep, fast waters and spend the majority of their time on the bottom of large rivers or lakes.

After spawning, the parent fish are released unharmed back where they had been caught. Each spring, mature fish are caught and live-spawned, with the eggs fertilized from each female. The Society operates conservation hatchery programs to preserve populations, and bolster the numbers of juveniles. Origin: The white sturgeon ( Acipenser transmontanus) is the largest and longest-lived freshwater fish in B.C.